
  • Remembering Jack

    Today is a special day for me. Last September, fifteen years of running finally culminated with my qualification for the Boston Marathon, which I will run for the first time today. I will carry Jack Grubbs in my heart as I run this race. Throughout that period of my life, Jack was one of my…

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  • I Don’t Know How to Put This…

    In my first year of college at William & Mary, I made the traditional rookie mistake and signed up for 8:00 am classes. That was a later start than high school, so of course, I thought it would be no big deal. Tuesdays and Thursdays had Greek & Roman Mythology 8 – 9:30, and Linear…

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  • For the Love of Reading

    Note: Complimentary goal planning sessions are still available. See last week’s blog for details. One of my core values is Growth/Learning, and one of the ways it manifests is in my love of reading. Whether it’s reading for work, for personal development, or just for pleasure, I usually have multiple books going. My entire family loves books.…

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