
  • Summer Thinking

    Last week, I offered some summer reading to catch up on my most popular blog posts of the first half of 2024. This week, I offer some suggestions for summer thinking. Vacations allow us to float above the day-to-day details and get a big-picture perspective. Here are some ways to embrace that opportunity. Learning, Growth,…

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  • Never Grow Up

    Last week, my daughter Meera celebrated her 21st birthday. Today, I celebrate this milestone and explore some reflections that arise from our shared song, “Never Grow Up” by Taylor Swift (Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube). I’m aware that a mere two weeks ago, I had a post entitled We Are Always Growing, and this may feel in conflict to…

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  • We Are Always Growing

    One of the many exciting discoveries in my studies since launching my coaching practice is adult development theory. These models have opened a new level of awareness for me on my learning journey. Today, we’ll explore one of the most popular models, from Robert Kegan, and see how this model can help us accelerate personal…

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  • Coaching Ontologically

    Last week I had a call with a potential coachee. He was talking to multiple coaches to decide which one would be the best fit for his journey. Early in the conversation, he said, “You describe yourself as an ontological coach – what exactly is that?” The question took me by surprise. Although I reference…

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  • Listening to the Universe

    Last week I wrote about Teliodosis. It was a departure for me, and I’m grateful for all the encouragement I received on the atypical post. Today I’d like to spend more time on this topic with some stories. I want to illustrate how surrendering (or listening) to the universe led me to important life choices. I…

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  • We Can Do Hard Things

    C-3PO: Sir, the possibility of successfully navigating an asteroid field is approximately 3,720 to 1! Han Solo: Never tell me the odds! — Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back You can do hard things. When you read that statement, what is your reaction? Reflect not only on the thoughts that arise but also…

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  • The Best Technology Available

    I am a runner. I began running in 2008 with the simple goal of improving my cardiovascular health, and I unexpectedly fell in love with it. 15 years, 15,693 miles and 12 marathons later I am comfortable declaring myself a runner. Any serious marathoner will tell you the ultimate goal is to run Boston. You…

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  • Put On Your White Belt

    “In the beginner’s mind, there are many possibilities. In the expert’s mind, there are few” – Shunryu Suzuki Today I am brimming with anticipation. You know how it feels the day before a big event – whether it’s your wedding, a big presentation, a major competition… Excitement. Enthusiasm. Maybe some nerves. Paradoxically, my excitement precedes…

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