
  • Exploring Integration

    In my quest to accelerate growth—both my own and that of my clients—one building block I’ve come to embrace is integration. In a recent class, I shared my understanding of integration with one of my spiritual teachers. It resonated deeply with her; she asked me to document my definition. As I started down this path,…

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  • Mirror, Mirror

    As my client appeared on Zoom, I was happy she looked relaxed and upbeat. My shoulders softened, and my mood lightened. She has a challenging role that often leaves her stressed and overwhelmed – the familiar dance of more #1 priorities than she and her team have the capacity to address. She began to update…

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  • Be A Liver

    Recently, a dear friend described me using an unexpected metaphor. She said I was like a liver. From her tone of voice, I could tell this was intended as a compliment, but my brain was fixated on the bile-producing qualities of a liver that did not feel flattering. When she clarified what she meant by…

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  • Beneficial Communication

    There is wisdom in Buddha’s teachings, regardless of your religious or spiritual inclinations. In her book Tea and Cake with Demons: A Buddhist Guide to Feeling Worthy, Adreanna Limbach does an excellent job presenting a modern interpretation of Buddhist teachings. Today, I want to explore one aspect of Buddha’s Eightfold Path, often called Right Speech.…

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  • Presence

    “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” ― Maya Angelou  I have a request. I request that you read this post at a time and in a space where you can be fully present with it. If…

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  • Creating Space

    Last week, I was invited to facilitate a session with an HR team. As they planned for 2024, they wanted to brainstorm techniques to improve their effectiveness as a team and in support of the broader organization. They quickly generated over 30 ideas and then used multi-voting to determine which ones to spend time developing.…

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  • Prince Kohaku

    I had this week’s blog post all planned out. Then, on Saturday morning, my cat Kohaku climbed into my lap, requesting love. I set aside my phone and began to pet him. At that moment, a new blog post idea climbed into my head, requesting my planned topic be set aside like my phone. So…

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  • The Golden Mean

    “Remember your Aristotle – Everything in moderation.” – James Harris, Haserot Professor of Philosophy, Emeritus, College of William & Mary Professor Harris wrote that when he signed my copy of Single-Malt Whiskies of Scotland: For the Discriminating Imbiber. Initially, this served as a simple reminder not to drink to excess, and over the years, that reminder has…

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  • Meditation Has Gone Mainstream

    Several years ago, I gave my doctor a list of things I could do to improve my overall health and asked him if I only added one thing, which would he prioritize? The answer surprised me: Meditate more. He said, “Little brain holidays are one of the healthiest things we can do, short and long-term.”…

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  • Building Resilience

    I recently connected with a good friend who was processing the loss of someone close to her. A fellow coach, we were both comfortable holding space. She was grateful for that space. Many of her friends wanted to offer advice and tell her how to grieve – techniques she did not find helpful. “They don’t…

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