
  • Neuroplasticity

    In many coaching relationships, 360 feedback raises awareness of a behavior the coachee would like to change. Perhaps they are considered too controlling. Or they want to be more assertive. Or they want to operate at a more strategic level. Some of this feedback can be hard to swallow, especially if it brings new awareness…

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  • Mirror, Mirror

    As my client appeared on Zoom, I was happy she looked relaxed and upbeat. My shoulders softened, and my mood lightened. She has a challenging role that often leaves her stressed and overwhelmed – the familiar dance of more #1 priorities than she and her team have the capacity to address. She began to update…

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  • Embracing Intuition

    Intuition has been on my mind a lot lately. I have spent most of my life brushing off intuition in favor of logic, facts, and data. Only through coaching have I begun recognizing the powerful gifts available when listening to intuition. What Is Intuition? Oxford Languages defines intuition as “The ability to understand something immediately,…

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  • What AI Can Teach Us About NI

    With the rapid emergence of artificial intelligence (AI) platforms like ChatGPT and Google Bard, the promises and risks of AI have moved from the realm of philosophers and futurist thinkers to our mainstream conversations. We can learn important lessons from this discussion by drawing parallels between our experience with artificial intelligence and our natural intelligence (NI) – our brains.…

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