
  • As Measured By…

    Last week, I wrapped up an extended engagement with one of my favorite clients of all time. In addition to coaching several of their leaders, this client invited me to step outside my comfort zone. They asked me to help them build a culture that embraced the OKR (Objective & Key Results) framework. Over the…

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  • Happy New Year

    I realize the new year is still a month away. But it’s coming. For many of us, December is a month of cramming as we remember our plans for the year and feverishly attempt to “catch up” on overly ambitious goals. I invite you to treat December as a month to wind the year down…

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  • Gooooooooooooooooooooooals!

    “If you don’t know where you’re going, you’ll end up somewhere else.” – Yogi Berra. Did you set goals for 2022? Were they written down? How often did you review your progress and implement course corrections? How effectively did those goals guide your progress this year? The Importance of Goals Many of us have goals…

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  • Your Personal Board of Directors

    I have a Personal Board of Directors. It’s one of my life hacks that consistently captures people’s interest when I mention it. In a recent webinar for Practice, my coaching platform, we took a detour off the main topic because the audience was so curious about the concept. It’s a straightforward concept. The Board of Directors is a…

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  • Rome Wasn’t Built in a Day

    I have a request. If you’ve set any goals or new year’s resolutions, my request is that you take time within the next seven days to review those goals and identify one goal which you can break down into a series of small, incremental, achievable steps. I make this request because I’ve seen far too…

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  • It’s The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

    Yes, the holidays are wonderful, but that’s not what I’m talking about. I’m talking about that next wonderful time of the year. The coming new year, and the inexorable goal planning that ensues. I understand that not everyone shares my perspective. We all have different activities we love and we loathe. For me, setting stretch…

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