Josh Dietrich

  • All You Need Is Love

    Many of us are in the midst of holiday preparations and celebrations. Hopefully, you have time now or in the coming weeks to rest, renew, and recharge. Today I’m leaning into courageous authenticity and practicing vulnerability with a post out of my comfort zone because this feels like the right time to write it. For…

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  • Gooooooooooooooooooooooals!

    “If you don’t know where you’re going, you’ll end up somewhere else.” – Yogi Berra. Did you set goals for 2022? Were they written down? How often did you review your progress and implement course corrections? How effectively did those goals guide your progress this year? The Importance of Goals Many of us have goals…

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  • Promises, Promises

    Leaders get their job done through language. We have spent the past few weeks examining a set of language distinctions called speech acts. We are more effective leaders and humans when we master these distinctions: Today we’ll cover one final distinction – promises (commitments). We waste time and energy when we fail to manage promises…

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  • I Do Declare

    Last week we talked about speech acts and learned the distinctions between assertions (facts) and assessments (stories). In his book, Language and the Pursuit of Happiness, Chalmers Brothers points out that with assertions, first comes the world, and then comes the word. We use language to describe the world. With declarations, the word comes first. Through our declarations,…

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  • Just The Facts

    One key learning from my ontological coaching training is a set of distinctions called Speech Acts. These were introduced by philosopher John Searles and expanded by individuals, including Humberto Maturana and Fernando Flores. The speech acts outline a set of daily constructs we use in language, including assertions, assessments, declarations, requests, offers, and promises. Language is one…

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  • We Can Do Hard Things

    C-3PO: Sir, the possibility of successfully navigating an asteroid field is approximately 3,720 to 1! Han Solo: Never tell me the odds! — Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back You can do hard things. When you read that statement, what is your reaction? Reflect not only on the thoughts that arise but also…

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  • Who Are Your Heroes?

    This is an emotional week for me. Most of you know I have a passion for running. You are also likely aware of my love for reading and learning. You may not know that I also have an intense love for superheroes, especially the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). There is something about the genre that inspires me…

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  • Face-to-Face

    One silver lining to the pandemic is that it showed us how effectively we could leverage video conferencing and remote work across a much more comprehensive range of activities than we were previously willing to embrace. As a coach, I am grateful for this. Most of my coachees live nowhere near me and would not…

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  • Your Personal Board of Directors

    I have a Personal Board of Directors. It’s one of my life hacks that consistently captures people’s interest when I mention it. In a recent webinar for Practice, my coaching platform, we took a detour off the main topic because the audience was so curious about the concept. It’s a straightforward concept. The Board of Directors is a…

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  • My First Year

    When I launched my Arete Pursuits a year ago, I adopted this daily declaration to remain mindful of my motivation for doing so: I am fulfilled, I serve, and I flourish through coaching. Today I invite you to join me in celebrating the successes of my first year. I Am Fulfilled Coaching is my passion.…

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