Josh Dietrich

  • Building Resilience

    I recently connected with a good friend who was processing the loss of someone close to her. A fellow coach, we were both comfortable holding space. She was grateful for that space. Many of her friends wanted to offer advice and tell her how to grieve – techniques she did not find helpful. “They don’t…

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  • Living Heroically

    Two weeks ago, I hit an emotional high as I completed the Flying Pig Marathon in 3:12:16. That time was 7½ minutes faster than my previous personal best. I looked forward to ramping my mileage back up faster than ever, a rare two-day onsite client engagement, and a great week. Twelve hours later, I hit…

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  • Expanding Awareness

    I recently wrote about raising our awareness in relationships, including our self-awareness, other-awareness, and us-awareness. This is one of many ways we can leverage awareness to grow and develop ourselves. Investing in your personal growth and evolution is the most important thing you can do to flourish as a leader and a human. Today we…

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  • Brain Energy

    I’ve written before about Heroic* founder and fellow arete enthusiast Brian Johnson. Recently he declared that Brain Energy by Christopher M. Palmer was his new all-time most-recommended book. This caught my attention, and I immediately checked it out from the library. I immediately understood why this became Brian’s new all-time favorite, and I want to…

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  • Raising Awareness

    When it comes to personal growth, there is no more foundational component than awareness. Our most significant opportunities for growth arise when we can unearth the subconscious aspects of our way of being and make them conscious. Only then can we examine them, challenge them, and identify new possibilities if they no longer serve us.…

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  • Let’s Move

    In my primer on ontological coaching, I noted I had not written many blog posts on somatics (i.e., relating to the body as opposed to the mind) and promised to address this soon. Today I follow through on that commitment. Starting Slow For many of my coaching classmates (and most certainly for me), somatics was…

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  • Remembering Jack

    Today I want to share a post from a year ago honoring the memory of my dear friend Jack Grubbs. I ran the Boston Marathon this time last year, and Jack was an integral part of my journey as I qualified for and ultimately ran that race. We honor Jack’s memory each May with the…

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  • Desktop Detox

    Last week we rolled up our sleeves and tamed the device that is the most significant source of distraction in our world –smartphones. I started there because our smartphones are typically with us 24/7. Most of us spend the majority of our day at a desk in front of a computer, so today, we will continue…

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  • Focus Pocus

    Last week I attended the Ellucian Live conference. Seeing so many long-time friends and colleagues and the event returning to its pre-COVID attendance levels was exciting. I was also amazed how many people walked around the convention center staring at their phones. Don’t get me wrong – I love my iPhone. I get massive productivity…

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  • Coaching Ontologically

    Last week I had a call with a potential coachee. He was talking to multiple coaches to decide which one would be the best fit for his journey. Early in the conversation, he said, “You describe yourself as an ontological coach – what exactly is that?” The question took me by surprise. Although I reference…

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