Josh Dietrich

  • For the Love of Reading

    Note: Complimentary goal planning sessions are still available. See last week’s blog for details. One of my core values is Growth/Learning, and one of the ways it manifests is in my love of reading. Whether it’s reading for work, for personal development, or just for pleasure, I usually have multiple books going. My entire family loves books.…

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  • It’s The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

    Yes, the holidays are wonderful, but that’s not what I’m talking about. I’m talking about that next wonderful time of the year. The coming new year, and the inexorable goal planning that ensues. I understand that not everyone shares my perspective. We all have different activities we love and we loathe. For me, setting stretch…

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  • The Elements of Trust

    I congratulate myself for making it through three blog posts without going deep on trust. Trust is fundamental for me in so many ways and is embedded in my core value of Integrity. In my learning with the Newfield Network, one aspect I found insightful was their distinctions for the elements of trust. Consider when someone…

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  • Just Breathe

    One of my core values is health. Of course, this includes physical health, but equally important to me is mental health. I, like so many others, have developed some core mindfulness practices supporting my wellbeing. Which brings me to a pet peeve. Every now and then I’ll read some article that talks about how you…

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  • The Case for Fortnightly

    In my last blog post, one of my previewers suggested I replace “fortnightly” with “every two weeks.” Their concern was that most US readers aren’t familiar with the term. Ironically, another previewer who knows how much I love the word praised me for deftly incorporating it. I left it in because the word brings me…

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  • My Most Memorable Team

    A few weeks ago I ran a marathon, and was fortunate enough to be running a similar pace to a young man who was running his first one. After subjecting him to a few miles of unsolicited running advice, he asked me what my favorite business books were. That was an easy question – I…

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