
  • Integrity

    I worked with a new client this week, and we used a values exploration to get to know each other better. I’ve been using this exercise in mentoring and coaching for nearly 30 years, and as I walked through familiar territory, I considered how my values have evolved. Family became Family and Friends and has…

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  • Anchor Points

    I sat down to dinner with my ontological mentor coach, Croft Edwards, a few weeks ago. It was a magical reunion for me, reconnecting with a man who played a pivotal role in shaping me as a coach. I thought back to when we first began working together three years ago. I had so much…

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  • Openness

    If there is a single word that captures the essence of my walkabout, it’s openness. When we look at values, or leadership qualities we hold dear, openness doesn’t usually make the cut – it’s usually overshadowed by integrity, trust, courage, authenticity, vulnerability, emotional intelligence, etc. I think openness deserves to be on this list. I…

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  • Achieving and Awakened Awareness

    One of the many things I love about my profession is the alignment between learning and coaching. As an executive, I had to learn on my own time. Time in the office needed to be devoted to achieving – to getting things done. As a coach, I understand that learning and growing are part of…

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  • Building Your Council

    Last year, I wrote about The Council of Joshes. This has become a staple of my life, allowing me to acknowledge and explore different aspects of who I am. Recently, one of my teachers suggested that as I’m growing, I need the council because it’s just too hard to fit who I am becoming into…

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  • Walking About

    It’s been an emotional week for me. I have lived in Virginia for five decades. I’m ready for a change, and I don’t know where I want to put down roots next. So I’ve decided to pull them up and go on a Walkabout. I am officially nomadic. There’s a lot to unpack with that…

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  • The Unwinding of an Athlete

    Earlier this year, I wrote about neuroplasticity—our brain’s ability to form new neural connections throughout life, enabling us to create new habits and shed old ones. I’d like to share my running journey as an example. I encourage you to consider what parallels in your life are illuminated by this story. Perhaps it will inspire…

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  • The Council of Joshes

    I’ve anticipated today’s post for months. I’m sharing one of my favorite techniques for personal reflection. Several of my clients have employed this technique to build their own council, and I hope I can inspire you to do the same. The Birth of The Council My Council of Joshes began to form one morning during…

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  • Just a Little Patience

    I have learned many lessons over the years. The lesson of practicing patience must be important, as I’ve had to learn it and re-learn it countless times. Anticipation If you are of a certain age, you probably remember the commercial for Heinz Ketchup featuring Carly Simon’s “Anticipation.”  One child complains to the other about how…

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  • Refining Teliodosis

    I introduced the term teliodosis in March of 2023. What began as a simple exercise exploring the integration of conflicting values grew into something far more meaningful. Over the past 18 months, my understanding of the concept has evolved. I now embrace teliodosis as a way of life. Today, I’ll refine the definition of teliodosis,…

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