Josh Dietrich

  • Flashlights and Floodlights

    So much of our learning and growth begins with self-awareness. Whether it’s part of my personal evolution or my work with clients, I love pulling back the curtain on some undiscovered aspect of existence and generating a shift in perspective by examining it under the illuminating light of flashlights and floodlights. Today I want to…

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  • Productivity Anthology

    If you follow my blog regularly, you know I am passionate about productivity. I taught my first productivity-related class over fifteen years ago, helping my Datatel colleagues embrace Microsoft OneNote for digital note-taking. My daily planning and email management course remains one of my most popular classes. I’ve recently had the privilege of doing productivity…

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  • This Space Intentionally Left Blank

    I’m celebrating the US holiday with some downtime. See you next week. Schedule time with Josh.

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  • Embodying Your Values

    Before I began working with my first formal mentee, my HR leader gave me two decks of values cards to use as an icebreaker. It worked so well that it became a ritual. Almost everyone mentee or coachee that has worked with me has spent time in the first session exploring their values. I connected…

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  • Magical Meetings

    When you think about meetings, what emotions arise? As a senior leader, I often played Tetris with my calendar, trying to squeeze someone into an already-packed schedule. According to Zippia, 24 billion hours are wasted yearly due to unproductive meetings. What if meetings could be a magical experience for you? What if you found yourself routinely…

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  • Meditation Has Gone Mainstream

    Several years ago, I gave my doctor a list of things I could do to improve my overall health and asked him if I only added one thing, which would he prioritize? The answer surprised me: Meditate more. He said, “Little brain holidays are one of the healthiest things we can do, short and long-term.”…

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  • You’re Not The Leader You Think You Are

    In 1993 I was a software developer fresh out of school. I was determined to be a “Renaissance Programmer.” Someone who could do every aspect of development, not unlike the “Full-Stack Developer” of the current era. I was sure I would have nothing to do with management and “climbing the corporate ladder.” I remember sitting…

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  • Building Resilience

    I recently connected with a good friend who was processing the loss of someone close to her. A fellow coach, we were both comfortable holding space. She was grateful for that space. Many of her friends wanted to offer advice and tell her how to grieve – techniques she did not find helpful. “They don’t…

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  • Living Heroically

    Two weeks ago, I hit an emotional high as I completed the Flying Pig Marathon in 3:12:16. That time was 7½ minutes faster than my previous personal best. I looked forward to ramping my mileage back up faster than ever, a rare two-day onsite client engagement, and a great week. Twelve hours later, I hit…

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  • Expanding Awareness

    I recently wrote about raising our awareness in relationships, including our self-awareness, other-awareness, and us-awareness. This is one of many ways we can leverage awareness to grow and develop ourselves. Investing in your personal growth and evolution is the most important thing you can do to flourish as a leader and a human. Today we…

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