Best of 2023
Welcome to 2024. The past week was primarily time off for me, and when I did work, I was struck by how much more enjoyable the work was with space between work sessions to breathe—a powerful reminder to me to create more space in my life. January’s Journal of Awareness Before we dive into the…
Listening to the Universe, Part 2
Back in March, I wrote a post entitled Listening to the Universe. In that post, I shared several examples where the universe had gently guided me to a program it knew was essential to my coaching journey, including the Newfield Network and BEabove Leadership. Today, with a surprising amount of emotion, I’m honoured* to share I am now a…
Unlocking Opportunities: How to Strengthen Your LinkedIn Profile
Last week, I took my own advice. I created space for myself to allow for reflection, and in so doing, I anticipated skipping the blog for a week. The night before I left on my two-day retreat, I received an unexpected gift – a guest blog post from Yiorgos Boudouris. A good leader recognizes and leverages the strengths of…
This morning, I tried a new practice at the suggestion of my meditation teacher, Jonathan Gustin. When I first awoke, before getting out of bed, I recited a simple invocation, expressing gratitude that my soul was returned to my body for another day. The invocation was powerful, helping me appreciate what a gift it truly is…
Creating Space
Last week, I was invited to facilitate a session with an HR team. As they planned for 2024, they wanted to brainstorm techniques to improve their effectiveness as a team and in support of the broader organization. They quickly generated over 30 ideas and then used multi-voting to determine which ones to spend time developing.…
Shared Background of Obviousness
When I teach the framework for effective requests as a tool to improve delegation, one component that inevitably generates discussion is the shared background of obviousness (which I’ll abbreviate as SBO for convenience’s sake). Today, we’ll unpack this concept. Understanding the SBO can improve your empathy for others, especially when communication issues abound. What is the SBO? Considering…
Your Future Self
Shifting Perspectives is one of my most popular articles. In that post, I walk through a favorite exercise, enabling you to view a situation from several different perspectives leveraging your physical space to support the shift. Over the past month, I’ve engaged in a daily practice similar to this one, where I seek the perspective of…
From Subject to Object
A fundamental goal of ontological coaching is to help the coachee generate an ontological shift. Through work with a coach, the coachee gains a new perspective on how they view the world, and holding that perspective, they can examine and shift it as needed to serve themselves better. We sometimes refer to this as “The Big Eye.”…