Josh Dietrich

  • Exploring Integration

    In my quest to accelerate growth—both my own and that of my clients—one building block I’ve come to embrace is integration. In a recent class, I shared my understanding of integration with one of my spiritual teachers. It resonated deeply with her; she asked me to document my definition. As I started down this path,…

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  • Running With The Turtles

    Back in the Spring of 2022, I wrote about Running With The Bunnies.* This is one of my favorite posts of all time, and it is worth a look if only to see the adorable baby bunny in the cover photo. 2024 appears to be the year of the Turtle for me. As with the…

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  • A Funny Thing Happened on Vacation

    I have two clients who recently took a vacation. In both cases, they were intentional about harmonizing their personal and professional lives. When they returned, they shared two things. First, they were more rested, recharged, and ready for work than on any previous vacation. This newfound energy and focus can be yours too. Second, they…

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  • Transformation

    Life is a journey. If we were to map our journey of learning and growth on a graph, with time on the x-axis and growth on the y-axis, we would not see a straight line. We’d see a series of jumps and plateaus, with each leap representing a period of transformation. We transform personally. We…

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  • Mirror, Mirror

    As my client appeared on Zoom, I was happy she looked relaxed and upbeat. My shoulders softened, and my mood lightened. She has a challenging role that often leaves her stressed and overwhelmed – the familiar dance of more #1 priorities than she and her team have the capacity to address. She began to update…

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  • Be A Raven

    I have a special request this week. If this post connects with you, spread some light by reacting to it on LinkedIn. How many💡reactions can we generate? This week, I began another leg of my learning journey with BEabove Leadership. Our class is called the Raven pod. Although their choice of the raven was arbitrary,…

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  • Leading Through Coaching

    Next week, I return to San Antonio for the second of three visits this year, attending the Texas Connection Consortium conference. If you’ll be in attendance, I hope you join me on Thursday morning. I am leading a session where we will explore how being more coach-like can improve your relationships as a leader and…

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  • Be A Liver

    Recently, a dear friend described me using an unexpected metaphor. She said I was like a liver. From her tone of voice, I could tell this was intended as a compliment, but my brain was fixated on the bile-producing qualities of a liver that did not feel flattering. When she clarified what she meant by…

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  • Thus Spoke Taylor

    Last week, a friend described Taylor Swift as “A Force for Light.” I could not agree more. In honor of Taylor’s new album, I am bringing some lightness to the blog this week. My love of words has grown over the years. One of my favorites is the term fortnightly. It is such an elegant,…

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  • Authenticity

    When I ask people for characteristics that define a great leader, one that frequently emerges is authenticity. There is beauty and complexity in authenticity. Let’s explore the concept. Exploring Authenticity I invite you to pause for a moment and consider what authenticity means to you. Think of when you’ve shown up as your most authentic…

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