Josh Dietrich

  • Tales From the Road

    I have received many requests for updates on my walkabout. Today, I’ll discuss a few of my experiences to date. Mom I have spent the past two weeks visiting my mother and stepfather. While I connect with my mother nearly every week on the phone, this was a much deeper connection, and it was so…

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  • New Manager. Feeling Unsure.

    I opened the calendar invite for a call with a prospective client. In the space where I asked to share anything that could help me prepare for the meeting, they simply wrote: “New manager. Feeling unsure.” As I read these words, Coach Josh knew I would show up curious, ask questions to understand why they…

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  • Rethinking Retirement

    “You’re going to spend a third of your life working. Make sure you’re doing something you love.” – Harry Dietrich. I’ve learned a lot from my father, and that quote was one of the most impactful pieces of wisdom he shared early and often in my childhood. It shaped my decision to be a software…

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  • An Abundance of Gratitude

    As we approach the Thanksgiving holiday in the US, I’m thankful for the opportunity to remind everyone about the importance of practicing gratitude. With a short week ahead of us, I’ll offer a short post. Gratitude Journals Many studies document the positive benefits of maintaining a gratitude journal. In my own experience, I’ve found a…

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  • Walking About

    It’s been an emotional week for me. I have lived in Virginia for five decades. I’m ready for a change, and I don’t know where I want to put down roots next. So I’ve decided to pull them up and go on a Walkabout. I am officially nomadic. There’s a lot to unpack with that…

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  • Strengthening Strategic

    I spent last week at a conference with higher education CIOs. One common theme was the desire to elevate the view of the CIO and Information Technology from operational to strategic. Here are some of the ideas we discussed throughout the week. You Are Strategic My first observation draws on my own experience, and I…

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  • A Historic Week

    I will keep today’s post short – I would rather my US readers spend their time getting to the ballot box than reading a lengthy post from me. Regardless of the outcome of tomorrow’s election, it is reasonable to assume half of our country will be upset with the result. This is undoubtedly the most…

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  • A Story of Presence

    I have often written about the power of presence. We create a powerful relational field when we can remove distractions, quiet our minds, and be fully present with another person. Presence is an essential element of an effective leader and an evolved human. When we embrace presence, we create a space where intuition can flourish.…

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  • The Unwinding of an Athlete

    Earlier this year, I wrote about neuroplasticity—our brain’s ability to form new neural connections throughout life, enabling us to create new habits and shed old ones. I’d like to share my running journey as an example. I encourage you to consider what parallels in your life are illuminated by this story. Perhaps it will inspire…

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  • By Request

    When I coach leaders, we discuss a wide range of topics, such as strengthening relationships, moving from mentoring to coaching, or improving personal productivity. Of all the topics, one stands out as the most prevalent. Nearly every leader I have ever worked with has wanted to improve their ability to delegate effectively. One challenge is…

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