Josh Dietrich

  • How To Do Your Taxes

    In the realm of productivity, one common theme is struggling to make progress on large tasks. There is no more timely example for me than the annual ritual (at least in the United States) of doing your taxes. It’s large and complex, and there is almost nothing fun about it (unless you get a refund…

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  • Embracing Intuition

    Intuition has been on my mind a lot lately. I have spent most of my life brushing off intuition in favor of logic, facts, and data. Only through coaching have I begun recognizing the powerful gifts available when listening to intuition. What Is Intuition? Oxford Languages defines intuition as “The ability to understand something immediately,…

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  • People enjoying nature

    Life Accounts

    Leadership tends to steer us toward structure. We set SMART goals. We are data-driven. We take a vision into a concrete plan we can execute with measurements, KPIs, and corrective actions. A part of me gets a warm, comfortable feeling when I think about structure. This is the beauty and strength of the left hemisphere…

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  • Image progress from gray to colorful. Generated by DALL-E.

    Cultivating Wonder

    One of my teachers recently told me I had an incredible gift for wonder. I was a bit taken aback by her statement. I have always seen this as a weak area for me. I have spent so much of my life focused on doing and only recently begun to embrace being more fully. This…

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  • A stack of coffee cups

    Work-Life Balance is a Myth

    As my coaching practice deepens, I’m learning to embrace synchronicity when it arises. I call this listening to the universe, and I’ve written about a few of my experiences in this post and this one. A few weeks ago, my sister, Kimberly Westrich, the Chief Possibility Officer for Kimpossibility, led a virtual retreat to help…

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  • Man in office surrounded by balls of work. Generated by DALL-E

    More Doing Less

    Last week, we began exploring ways to do less, looking at ways to leverage each hemisphere of the brain to help us identify what’s most important. Today, I offer several strategies to experiment with putting those priorities into action, fending off the lower-priority distractions competing for your precious time. Limiting Work-In-Progress In agile software development,…

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  • Doing Less

    As someone who loves productivity and efficiency, it’s no surprise that my clients often bring coaching topics around getting more done and squeezing more into their day. In the past few months, I’ve noticed a significant increase in the frequency of those conversations. Every CEO I coach has brought it up in one form or…

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  • Images related to the post content. Generated by DALL·E 4

    Best of 2023

    Welcome to 2024. The past week was primarily time off for me, and when I did work, I was struck by how much more enjoyable the work was with space between work sessions to breathe—a powerful reminder to me to create more space in my life. January’s Journal of Awareness Before we dive into the…

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  • Listening to the Universe, Part 2

    Back in March, I wrote a post entitled Listening to the Universe. In that post, I shared several examples where the universe had gently guided me to a program it knew was essential to my coaching journey, including the Newfield Network and BEabove Leadership. Today, with a surprising amount of emotion, I’m honoured* to share I am now a…

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  • Unlocking Opportunities: How to Strengthen Your LinkedIn Profile

    Last week, I took my own advice. I created space for myself to allow for reflection, and in so doing, I anticipated skipping the blog for a week. The night before I left on my two-day retreat, I received an unexpected gift – a guest blog post from Yiorgos Boudouris. A good leader recognizes and leverages the strengths of…

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