
  • The Neuroscience of Doing and Being

    The Neuroscience of Doing and Being

    Recently, I offered a formal definition for teliodosis: A state of living characterized by the integration of doing and being, where actions are naturally aligned with a deep sense of presence and purpose, fostering a harmonious and fulfilling life. The interplay between doing and being also plays out in our brains, and when we understand…

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  • Dragonfly


    I spent the past week on vacation visiting my Partner in Wonder. True to form, our week was filled with wonder, including many moments of synchronicity. We noticed many dragonflies throughout the week, which caused us to look up the symbolism of Dragonfly as a spirit animal. Here’s ChatGPT’s take: As a spirit animal, the…

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  • Refining Teliodosis

    Refining Teliodosis

    I introduced the term teliodosis in March of 2023. What began as a simple exercise exploring the integration of conflicting values grew into something far more meaningful. Over the past 18 months, my understanding of the concept has evolved. I now embrace teliodosis as a way of life. Today, I’ll refine the definition of teliodosis,…

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  • Social Connections

    Social Connections

    Today’s post builds upon my meaningful conversations post.* That post appeared to resonate with many of you based on the reactions. Perhaps most importantly, my mom loved it. 💙 I am sure part of what resonates is the emphasis on social connections. This is a key area in many formulas for happiness and one that…

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  • Credentials Matter

    Credentials Matter

    Last week, Ann Betz and Ursula Pottinga, CPCC, PCC, MNTC posted this video on the importance of credentials in coaching. I must admit, the video took me by surprise. While I know there are individuals who call themselves coaches who do something I wouldn’t call “coaching,” I wasn’t aware of some of the extreme cases…

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  • Meaningful Conversations

    Meaningful Conversations

    One of my weekend rituals is connecting with my mother and my father. Over the years, our conversations have evolved from simple status reports about what’s happening in my world to deep, meaningful conversations that I cherish. As I reflect upon those conversations, I see a parallel to my one-on-one conversations with direct reports as…

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