
  • Never Grow Up

    Never Grow Up

    Last week, my daughter Meera celebrated her 21st birthday. Today, I celebrate this milestone and explore some reflections that arise from our shared song, “Never Grow Up” by Taylor Swift (Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube). I’m aware that a mere two weeks ago, I had a post entitled We Are Always Growing, and this may feel in conflict to…

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  • Missing Conversations

    Missing Conversations

    One of the three foundational areas of ontological coaching is our use of language. You may think of language as a communication tool to describe the world. It is that and so much more. Language can be generative. For example, a new country was created through the Declaration of Independence. As I began to understand this, I realized…

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  • We Are Always Growing

    We Are Always Growing

    One of the many exciting discoveries in my studies since launching my coaching practice is adult development theory. These models have opened a new level of awareness for me on my learning journey. Today, we’ll explore one of the most popular models, from Robert Kegan, and see how this model can help us accelerate personal…

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  • The Golden Mean

    The Golden Mean

    “Remember your Aristotle – Everything in moderation.” – James Harris, Haserot Professor of Philosophy, Emeritus, College of William & Mary Professor Harris wrote that when he signed my copy of Single-Malt Whiskies of Scotland: For the Discriminating Imbiber. Initially, this served as a simple reminder not to drink to excess, and over the years, that reminder has…

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  • What Should I Do?

    What Should I Do?

    The myth of productivity is that we will somehow find a way to get everything done. Over time, we realize (and hopefully accept) that there will always be more on our to-do list than available hours. Often, I talk with leaders who get an amazing amount done each day, yet at the end of the…

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  • Journal of Awareness

    Journal of Awareness

    It usually takes three nudges from the universe for me to get the message. Last week’s blog post on The Hero’s Journey was the third time I mentioned journaling more formally. As I wrote that post, I knew it was time to lean into this topic. When I pick up on a sign from the universe, it…

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