
  • Flashlights and Floodlights

    Flashlights and Floodlights

    So much of our learning and growth begins with self-awareness. Whether it’s part of my personal evolution or my work with clients, I love pulling back the curtain on some undiscovered aspect of existence and generating a shift in perspective by examining it under the illuminating light of flashlights and floodlights. Today I want to…

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  • Productivity Anthology

    Productivity Anthology

    If you follow my blog regularly, you know I am passionate about productivity. I taught my first productivity-related class over fifteen years ago, helping my Datatel colleagues embrace Microsoft OneNote for digital note-taking. My daily planning and email management course remains one of my most popular classes. I’ve recently had the privilege of doing productivity…

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  • This Space Intentionally Left Blank

    I’m celebrating the US holiday with some downtime. See you next week. Schedule time with Josh.

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  • Embodying Your Values

    Embodying Your Values

    Before I began working with my first formal mentee, my HR leader gave me two decks of values cards to use as an icebreaker. It worked so well that it became a ritual. Almost everyone mentee or coachee that has worked with me has spent time in the first session exploring their values. I connected…

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  • Magical Meetings

    Magical Meetings

    When you think about meetings, what emotions arise? As a senior leader, I often played Tetris with my calendar, trying to squeeze someone into an already-packed schedule. According to Zippia, 24 billion hours are wasted yearly due to unproductive meetings. What if meetings could be a magical experience for you? What if you found yourself routinely…

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  • Meditation Has Gone Mainstream

    Meditation Has Gone Mainstream

    Several years ago, I gave my doctor a list of things I could do to improve my overall health and asked him if I only added one thing, which would he prioritize? The answer surprised me: Meditate more. He said, “Little brain holidays are one of the healthiest things we can do, short and long-term.”…

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