
  • As Measured By…

    As Measured By…

    Last week, I wrapped up an extended engagement with one of my favorite clients of all time. In addition to coaching several of their leaders, this client invited me to step outside my comfort zone. They asked me to help them build a culture that embraced the OKR (Objective & Key Results) framework. Over the…

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  • Neuroplasticity


    In many coaching relationships, 360 feedback raises awareness of a behavior the coachee would like to change. Perhaps they are considered too controlling. Or they want to be more assertive. Or they want to operate at a more strategic level. Some of this feedback can be hard to swallow, especially if it brings new awareness…

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  • Summer Thinking

    Summer Thinking

    Last week, I offered some summer reading to catch up on my most popular blog posts of the first half of 2024. This week, I offer some suggestions for summer thinking. Vacations allow us to float above the day-to-day details and get a big-picture perspective. Here are some ways to embrace that opportunity. Learning, Growth,…

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  • Summer Reading

    Summer Reading

    It’s a short week in the US. Perhaps you are headed to the beach. If you aren’t taking this week off, you are likely enjoying a blissfully quiet time in the office. Either way, this is a perfect time to catch up on your summer reading backlog. Here are the most popular articles so far…

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  • Exploring Integration

    Exploring Integration

    In my quest to accelerate growth—both my own and that of my clients—one building block I’ve come to embrace is integration. In a recent class, I shared my understanding of integration with one of my spiritual teachers. It resonated deeply with her; she asked me to document my definition. As I started down this path,…

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  • Running With The Turtles

    Running With The Turtles

    Back in the Spring of 2022, I wrote about Running With The Bunnies.* This is one of my favorite posts of all time, and it is worth a look if only to see the adorable baby bunny in the cover photo. 2024 appears to be the year of the Turtle for me. As with the…

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