
  • Who Are Your Heroes?

    Who Are Your Heroes?

    This is an emotional week for me. Most of you know I have a passion for running. You are also likely aware of my love for reading and learning. You may not know that I also have an intense love for superheroes, especially the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). There is something about the genre that inspires me…

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  • Face-to-Face


    One silver lining to the pandemic is that it showed us how effectively we could leverage video conferencing and remote work across a much more comprehensive range of activities than we were previously willing to embrace. As a coach, I am grateful for this. Most of my coachees live nowhere near me and would not…

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  • Your Personal Board of Directors

    Your Personal Board of Directors

    I have a Personal Board of Directors. It’s one of my life hacks that consistently captures people’s interest when I mention it. In a recent webinar for Practice, my coaching platform, we took a detour off the main topic because the audience was so curious about the concept. It’s a straightforward concept. The Board of Directors is a…

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  • My First Year

    My First Year

    When I launched my Arete Pursuits a year ago, I adopted this daily declaration to remain mindful of my motivation for doing so: I am fulfilled, I serve, and I flourish through coaching. Today I invite you to join me in celebrating the successes of my first year. I Am Fulfilled Coaching is my passion.…

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  • More of What You Love

    More of What You Love

    “You are going to spend one-third of your life working. Make sure you are doing something you love.” – Harry Dietrich. I am a firm believer in the power of playing to your strengths. This week I invite you to complete a simple exercise, building upon my post on discovering our strengths. The Exercise If you are…

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  • Your 360 Feedback

    Your 360 Feedback

    360 feedback is an excellent tool for getting honest, candid feedback from your colleagues. I conduct 360 feedback interviews for every organizational coaching engagement to gain insights into the coachee’s superpowers and their kryptonite. This process is richer than one issued by the organization because the interviewees know that the only person who sees the…

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