
I know some people like to pick a word for the year. A word that can focus their attention and intention for the year. I am not one of those people, but I respect the practice.

If you are seeking a word for 2025, I offer one for consideration—synchronicity. Over the past few years, synchronicity has become a regular fixture of my way of being, and I’ve found that the more I open up to it and pay attention to it, the richer and more fulfilling my life has become.

Synchronicity Defined

I asked ChatGPT for an assist defining synchronicity according to Carl Jung and how it’s evolved in modern-day interpretations:

Synchronicity, a concept introduced by Swiss psychologist Carl Jung, refers to the meaningful coincidence of events that seem related but lack a causal connection. Jung described it as a phenomenon where external occurrences align with an individual’s internal state or thoughts, suggesting a deeper, acausal connection between mind and matter. In modern interpretations, synchronicity often emphasizes the idea that the universe operates with an underlying interconnectedness, where these moments serve as signs or guideposts. While Jung viewed synchronicity through the lens of analytical psychology and archetypes, contemporary perspectives often incorporate ideas from spirituality, quantum physics, and personal growth, viewing these experiences as opportunities to explore intuition, purpose, or alignment with one’s path.

To put that into my words, we live in a responsive universe. Synchronicities are ways the universe can show us that it is responding. As Jung says, they are meaningful coincidences. We encounter coincidences all the time. When we can attach some meaning to the experience, be it positive or negative, the coincidence becomes a synchronicity.

Why Synchronicity Matters

I’ve encountered numerous writings and teachings that emphasize synchronicity. My current favorite is James Redfield’s The Celestine Prophecy. Redfield describes nine insights related to the evolution of human consciousness. The first insight suggests humanity is undergoing a spiritual awakening. One of the signs of this awakening is that humans begin to have an increased awareness of the synchronicities in their lives. They begin to recognize they occur with a frequency too great to be considered random, and these become guideposts toward a greater understanding of their purpose.

This has been my world, particularly since I began coaching three years ago. I started to notice the synchronicities and share my stories with others. At times, my intuition told me why the synchronicity was important; at other times, I felt the importance but lacked an explanation. Often, it’s easier to look back after the fact and see why something was important.

These days, I experience synchronicity nearly daily. It is sometimes hard to imagine that it isn’t all in my head, but in my exploration, I’ve found countless others experiencing the same thing.

My Synchronicity Experiences

I’ll share two examples where paying attention to synchronicity has impacted my life.

In October 2022, I ran the Chicago Marathon with hopes of qualifying for the New York City Marathon. I had the fitness, but foot issues slowed me down, and I ended up walking three miles of the race.

The following week, I saw a Hawk. It caught my attention, and it felt meaningful. I didn’t know why.

The next day, I saw another Hawk. Now, Hawk had my full attention. A friend suggested I read up on what Hawk means as a spirit animal. The part that resonated with me was that Hawk could represent an unfinished quest or journey.

On the third day, I saw another Hawk. As I saw this Hawk, the meaning came to me through intuition. I was supposed to run the Richmond Half Marathon and finish my quest to qualify for the New York City Marathon. I signed up as soon as I was home.

On the fourth day, I saw one more Hawk. I recognize this pattern from the Universe. It usually takes me three messages to understand it, and once I do, it gives me a fourth as a way of saying, “I’m glad you finally got the message.”

At the Richmond Half Marathon, I needed a 1:32 to qualify for New York. Despite unusually warm conditions, I ran a 1:30. Quest completed.

In the second example, I was talking with my sister about a retreat she was attending. Attempting to put it in perspective, I said aloud that this would be like my favorite teacher inviting me to an in-person retreat at her home. I then forgot about our conversation.

Three months later, my favorite teacher announced to our class that she and her partner were hosting their first in-person event since COVID-19. The retreat would be held at her home.

Stunned, I signed up as soon as it was offered.

This past Fall, I received some of the highest praise I’ve received to date for several workshops that I facilitated. I know that success was, in no small part, due to the learning I received at that in-person retreat.

Opening Space for Synchronicity

If I have piqued your interest, you may be wondering how to recognize the synchronicity in your life. I’ll offer a few practical thoughts.

Embrace synchronicity. If you reflect upon your past experiences, you can probably already see times when synchronicity has emerged. Welcome these moments with open arms, and suspend any disbelief that your cognitive, rational mind may have to offer, insisting these are merely chance.

Look for synchronicity. As you become open to synchronicity, actively look for synchronous moments in your life. If you are moved to do so, keep a journal.

Listen to your intuition. When a coincidence arises, quiet your cognitive mind and listen to your intuition. Does this feel meaningful? What does your intuition have to say about why it is meaningful?

Act. When you have a moment of synchronicity with clarity about what it means, that is the gift of the responsive universe. Have the courage to act on the insight. Register for the race. Sign up for the workshop.

Even if your rational, scientific mind isn’t convinced, try it anyway. Being curious about synchronicity can add fun and novelty to your world.

If this is already your jam and you want to go deeper, consider Living in Flow by Sky Nelson-Isaacs. It is one of my favorite books on the subject.

Putting It Into Practice

Enrich your life by opening up to synchronicity.

  • Embrace synchronicity.
  • Look for synchronicity.
  • Listen to your intuition.
  • Act on your intuition.

Walkabout Corner

Three weeks in Asheville came and went like the blink of an eye. My time here exceeded my wildest expectations. It was a period of profound personal growth for me. I am grateful the holidays gave me the space to support that growth.

I’m not planning this far ahead, but the thought of returning to Asheville a year from now to see their progress in rebuilding/rebirthing/reincarnating is very appealing.

I spent my weekend in Hot Springs, Arkansas, enjoying a long run in Hot Springs National Park and drinking my fill of Happy Hollow water. Now, I am in Dallas for a week, followed by two weeks in Austin.

Did you know there are 12 different toll pass systems in the US? I’ve been spoiled on the East Coast, where most states accept EZ-Pass. I just ordered the Texas equivalent. I should have done that sooner. I will likely collect a California and a Colorado version in the coming months.

I am an executive coach and life coach with software executive roots in higher education and EdTech. I coach because I love to help others accelerate their growth as leaders and humans. I frequently write about #management, #leadership, #coaching, #neuroscience, and #arete.

If you would like to learn more, schedule time with me.

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