
  • Put On Your White Belt

    Put On Your White Belt

    “In the beginner’s mind, there are many possibilities. In the expert’s mind, there are few” – Shunryu Suzuki Today I am brimming with anticipation. You know how it feels the day before a big event – whether it’s your wedding, a big presentation, a major competition… Excitement. Enthusiasm. Maybe some nerves. Paradoxically, my excitement precedes…

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  • Meeting Maximization

    Meeting Maximization

    I congratulate everyone who has hopped aboard the productivity train with my recent blog posts. Last week we remodeled our calendars. I’m sure you’re left with more meetings than you’d like. So, this week I offer some perspectives on how to make the most of the meetings that remain. I’ll skip many of the obvious recommendations you’ve seen…

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  • Calendar Construction

    Calendar Construction

    Based on all the positive feedback, I’m going to continue with the productivity theme this week. Once you’ve solidified a daily planning ritual and a comprehensive weekly review, the next place many of my clients turn to is their calendar itself. Try this out. Take a moment and go look at your calendar for the week. Gaze at…

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  • The Week Ahead

    The Week Ahead

    Building on last week’s post on a Daily Planning Ritual, let’s continue this week with the next piece of the Productivity Mastery puzzle – the Weekly Planning Ritual (and I promise next week’s post won’t be a monthly or quarterly ritual – by that point we are into goal planning). The strength of the daily planning ritual is it becomes…

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  • What’s Your Plan for Today?

    What’s Your Plan for Today?

    We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. – Aristotle Over the years, one of my favorite areas for coaching has been improving personal productivity. I’ve taught productivity classes to hundreds of people. Every time someone tells me they are still using what I taught them years ago I…

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  • Rome Wasn’t Built in a Day

    Rome Wasn’t Built in a Day

    I have a request. If you’ve set any goals or new year’s resolutions, my request is that you take time within the next seven days to review those goals and identify one goal which you can break down into a series of small, incremental, achievable steps. I make this request because I’ve seen far too…

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