
  • 1:1 101

    1:1 101

    Some organizations do a fabulous job developing new managers and giving them the fundamentals they need to succeed. Many others do not. If there is no formal management training program, you may still get lucky if you’ve had the luxury of a good manager in the past (or present). Or you may be flying blind.…

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  • Decisions, Decisions

    Decisions, Decisions

    I have a new rule. If I have the same coaching conversation five times or more, it gets a blog post. Here’s a coaching question I encounter a lot. “How do I decide between staying in my current job or moving into a new one?” Coachees often grapple with this decision, whether fueled by the…

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  • Shifting Perspectives

    Shifting Perspectives

    Today’s blog post explains one of my favorite exercises dating back to my earliest days as a leader and mentor. I now know this exercise foreshadowed more profound techniques I would learn on my journey as an ontological coach. Ontology is the study of being. Ontological coaching examines our Way of Being – how we view the…

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  • Do As I Say, Not As I Do

    Do As I Say, Not As I Do

    How many hours do you typically work per week? 40? 50? 60? 80? Last week I talked to someone who had logged multiple 100-hour weeks at a client site (yes, that’s 14 hours a day for 7 days…). There is no right or wrong answer here. Everyone’s situation is different. The critical question is how…

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  • Overcoming Procrastination

    Overcoming Procrastination

    Last week I shared one of my favorite techniques for overcoming overwhelm. If you tried the blank sheet of paper exercise, hopefully, you emerged with the realization that you have fewer truly critical tasks than you thought, and you have a short list of A priority tasks stack ranked in the order you should tackle them.…

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  • Overcoming Overwhelm

    Overcoming Overwhelm

    In my coaching, I hear “I’m feeling overwhelmed” a lot. In my past roles, I said “I’m feeling overwhelmed” a lot myself. Today I want to walk you through my go-to technique to overcome this overwhelmed feeling. Stressed vs. Overwhelmed This feeling of overwhelm can stem from any number of root causes, but here’s the…

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