
  • Presence


    “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” ― Maya Angelou  I have a request. I request that you read this post at a time and in a space where you can be fully present with it. If…

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  • Great Leaders Speak Last

    Great Leaders Speak Last

    As a leader,  you regularly lead meetings. In leading, you feel compelled to open the discussion and share your thoughts. This gets the ball rolling and sets the tone for the meeting. In some cases, this technique can backfire. I have usually been good about holding back and letting others speak first. One time, however,…

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  • Understanding Trust

    Understanding Trust

    Last week, I spoke with a leader who said he was having difficulty figuring out his current boss. This is a very experienced, highly successful leader, and this was the first boss he encountered with whom he just couldn’t figure out how to get the relationship to “click” (my words, not his). As he explored…

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  • Listening to the Universe, Part 3

    Listening to the Universe, Part 3

    One year ago, I began experimenting with some deeper topics in the blog, and I’m grateful for how they have been received. It started with my beloved Teliodosis post, followed by Listening to the Universe (part 1). These posts speak to the unexpected growth I have experienced since connecting with my life purpose through coaching.…

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  • Coaching Discovery

    Coaching Discovery

    In some coaching engagements, the client is offered several potential coaches. The client schedules coaching discovery calls with multiple coaches to understand their coaching style and identify the coach that is the best fit for their style and coaching goals. I have done several of these lately, and when I find myself repeating something, I…

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  • Courageous Conversations

    Courageous Conversations

    I’ve noticed a pattern emerging with a handful of my clients. Each situation is unique, but the commonality lies in their relationship with their boss. For various reasons, the client is uncomfortable giving their boss feedback. These are challenging situations. The client’s performance or personal brand often takes a hit because of the boss’s behavior,…

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