
  • Building Teams

    Building Teams

    Many organizations do not have the resources to provide robust onboarding for new leaders. I’m amazed at some of the talented leaders I work with who are essentially self-taught, learning management and leadership on the job by watching and learning from others without any formal training. Many teams do nothing formal to build the team…

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  • Integrity


    I worked with a new client this week, and we used a values exploration to get to know each other better. I’ve been using this exercise in mentoring and coaching for nearly 30 years, and as I walked through familiar territory, I considered how my values have evolved. Family became Family and Friends and has…

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  • The Gift of Time

    The Gift of Time

    Have you ever had an experience like this? You have an all-day meeting on your calendar. At the last minute, something comes up, and the meeting gets canceled. You find yourself with a full day available to work on what you choose to work on rather than spending the day in back-to-back meetings. I’ve had…

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  • Anchor Points

    Anchor Points

    I sat down to dinner with my ontological mentor coach, Croft Edwards, a few weeks ago. It was a magical reunion for me, reconnecting with a man who played a pivotal role in shaping me as a coach. I thought back to when we first began working together three years ago. I had so much…

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  • Openness


    If there is a single word that captures the essence of my walkabout, it’s openness. When we look at values, or leadership qualities we hold dear, openness doesn’t usually make the cut – it’s usually overshadowed by integrity, trust, courage, authenticity, vulnerability, emotional intelligence, etc. I think openness deserves to be on this list. I…

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  • Management Fundamentals

    Management Fundamentals

    I have the opportunity to work with a wide range of leaders, from CEOs to first-time managers. Regardless of the experience level, everyone can benefit from some management fundamentals. Here are some of the patterns I see: I worked with a leader recently looking for alternate perspectives, and I started to pull together relevant blog…

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