
  • Unexpected Success

    Unexpected Success

    Here’s something I never expected to declare only five months after I launched my practice. I have started a waiting list. I struggle to find the words to effectively express my gratitude to everyone who put their trust in me as their coach and to those who have already expanded my coaching further within their…

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  • I Don’t Know How to Put This…

    I Don’t Know How to Put This…

    In my first year of college at William & Mary, I made the traditional rookie mistake and signed up for 8:00 am classes. That was a later start than high school, so of course, I thought it would be no big deal. Tuesdays and Thursdays had Greek & Roman Mythology 8 – 9:30, and Linear…

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  • Mother’s Day Gratitude

    Mother’s Day Gratitude

    This Sunday is Mother’s Day. This provides an excellent opportunity for us to practice gratitude and celebrate the mothers that have touched our lives. My Mother My mother and I enjoy a close relationship. We talk every week on the phone, often for an hour or more during my long run. I treasure these conversations,…

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  • Unplug Yourself

    Unplug Yourself

    “Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes, including you.” – Anne Lamott In an earlier post, I talked about the importance of mindfulness and starting by simply focusing on your breath for 60 seconds. Today I’d like to revisit this area as it is so central to my own…

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  • The Best Technology Available

    The Best Technology Available

    I am a runner. I began running in 2008 with the simple goal of improving my cardiovascular health, and I unexpectedly fell in love with it. 15 years, 15,693 miles and 12 marathons later I am comfortable declaring myself a runner. Any serious marathoner will tell you the ultimate goal is to run Boston. You…

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  • Finding Focus

    Finding Focus

    The final stop on the productivity train (for now) is on eliminating distractions and finding focus. Before we dig in, if you’ve worked with me in the past, you’re probably wondering why I haven’t talked about email management. I’m incredibly passionate about getting email under control. I’ve taught email management to hundreds of people over the years…

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