Celebrating Three Years

Three years ago, I formally launched Arete Pursuits and began my executive coaching career. Since increased fulfillment was the primary motivation for the change, I’ve used a life account to track my level of fulfillment. It’s been a solid 5 out of 5 every quarter.

Today, I want to share a few updates on how my coaching offerings have evolved.


While my primary focus is executive and life coaching, I’m leading more leadership workshops. This trend was so prominent in 2023 that I attended BEabove Leadership‘s facilitation masterclass earlier this year, which enhanced my workshop design and delivery.

I wrote last year about my experience in BEabove Leadership’s program for advanced coaches on Neuroscience, Consciousness, and Transformational Coaching. I’m not exaggerating when I say this was my most impactful learning ever. I use what I learn daily, both in my coaching and my own personal growth. However, that certification only allows me to use their tools in 1:1 coaching sessions.

This summer, I enrolled in the Train the Trainer program and am proud to announce that I’m now a licensed trainer. This allows me to offer groups some of their most popular neuroscience learning. In September, I delivered the Neuroscience of Stress Management to three groups and have just signed an agreement to deliver it four more times by the end of the year. It’s quickly becoming my most popular offering!

Here’s a summary of my new workshop offerings:

The Neuroscience of Stress Management

The neuroscience of stress and its impact on learning, growth, emotional intelligence, and engagement (related blog post: Clearing the Fog).

Neuroplasticity: The Brain’s Mechanism for Change

While most people recognize that we have the capacity to grow and change throughout our lifetimes, understanding how neuroplasticity works—what supports real change and what impedes it—is vital information for every leader (related blog post: Neuroplasticity).

Understanding the Right and Left Hemisphere

While the brain’s two hemispheres work together in almost everything we do in daily life, they view the world in vastly different ways. The left provides a narrowed, precise view of things, enabling us to deal with the details and manage things in a linear, separate manner. The right gives us a holistic, big-picture view and provides empathy, meaning, and a sense of interconnectedness. Using both in the most balanced and integrated way is the hallmark of the most effective leaders.

The Seven Levels of Effectiveness

The Seven Levels of Effectiveness were developed and researched over many years (including a powerful grounding in cutting-edge neuroscience) and have been used to provide context, direction, and powerful shifts in consciousness all over the world, by all ages, and in a wide variety of cultures.

Productivity, Focus, Inspiration and More

We have two networks in our brain that activate depending on where we have our attention. In this workshop, we explore the strengths and challenges of the Task Positive Network (which gives us focus and flow) and the Default Mode Network (which gives us inspiration, vision, and meaning) and how to use them more intentionally and effectively as leaders (related blog post: The Neuroscience of Doing and Being).

To learn more about my leadership workshops, visit my website or message me.

Leadership Circle Profile (LCP) 360 Feedback

I include 360 feedback in every executive coaching engagement so we can learn the leader’s strengths and opportunities for growth. Often, we find a significant difference in how leaders perceive themselves and how others view them. I use the Leadership Circle Profile because of its rich comparative dataset and the research and validation behind the tool.

I’m surprised how few organizations invest in 360 feedback for their leaders or use a homegrown process that doesn’t provide valuable, actionable insights. For those not ready to invest in a complete executive coaching program, I offer a package that includes the LCP assessment and sessions to debrief on the results and build a development plan.

One organization has just signed an engagement to have me conduct 360 feedback for thirty senior leaders and partner with them on their leadership development programs in the coming year.


You may recall that I formed a partnership with Doctums earlier this year to expand my executive coaching reach within higher education. The Doctums team is phenomenal, and it’s an absolute joy to serve as their Vice President of Coaching Services. We have an experienced team of coaches ready to serve the diverse needs of higher education leaders across campus.

In the enthusiasm of my announcement, I gave some people the impression that Doctums was now my full-time role. While I partner with Doctums to serve higher education, I continue to serve non-higher ed clients through Arete Pursuits (including several ed tech clients).

The lion’s share of my practice continues to be executive coaching, with several organizations bringing coaching to a core set of leaders to learn and grow as a cohort. At the same time, I’ve seen more clients coming to me for life coaching. These are some of my richest conversations, as any topic is fair game from the first session. Executive coaching clients usually stay in the organizational leadership lane at first.

If you are a regular reader of this blog, you have a good sense of who I am and what I value. If you want to explore a topic, message me or schedule a time with the link below.

By The Numbers

If you know me, you know I love my metrics. I will close with a few data points that illustrate my first three years of coaching:

  • Total Coaching Hours: 1,370
  • Total Coachees: 166
  • Organizations Served: 24
  • Net Promoter Score: +95
  • Blogs Published: 150
  • Personal Fulfillment: 100%

I appreciate your support. It is such a gift to be able to do what I love every day.

I am an executive coach and life coach with software executive roots in higher education and EdTech. I coach because I love to help others accelerate their growth as leaders and humans. I frequently write about #management, #leadership, #coaching, #neuroscience, and #arete.

If you would like to learn more, schedule time with me.

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